Tuesday, October 7, 2008


With a lot of hard work done by minion Paulson and Bernake. We are now on our way to destroying the US. Soon we will be able to force upon the American serfs our North American Union and new currency. We will use these fools own troops against them if they rise up.

Monday, September 22, 2008


1913-Federal Reserve Act becomes law
1933-Business Plot against FDR
1944-Bretton Woods Agreement signed
1945-United Nations Founded
1954-Bilderberg Group founded
1957-European Economic Community formed
1962-Operation Northwoods proposed
1964-Gulf of Tonkin Incident
1973- Trilateral Commision formed
1989-Malta Conference
1990-Bush gives New World Order speech
1995-GATT becomes the WTO
2001-9/11 attacks
2001-Patriot Act becomes law
2002-FDA approves VeriChip microchip implant
2004-North American Union proposed
2007-Bush signs Natioanl Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive


We use several organizations to acheive our goals. Some of them are the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberg Group, Tri-Lateral Commision, World Health Organization, The United Nations, The International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, The G8, The World Court, The Federal Reserve, The World Trade Organization.

We have/had several notable members working with us for global governance.
David Rockefeller
Henry Kissinger
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Barack Oboma
George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
H.G. Wells
Mikail Gorbachev
James Paul Warburg
Queen Elizabeth
Brent Scowcroft
Richard Gephardt
George McGovern
Joe Biden
Nelson Mandela
Aldous Huxley
Julian Huxley


We have a set of goals that we have been working for. We have been striving to achieve these goals for many, many years.


1) The world divided into sub-regions ruled over by the UN. These regions will lose much if
not all of their soveriegnty.
a) elimination of national borders
b) transferring national armies to international armies
2) The elimination of 80-90% of the worlds population through war, famine and pestilence.
3) The remaining population of the world removed into supercities which are in reality prison
4) Melt-down of the world fincial system.