Monday, April 30, 2007

Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools

Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools

I guess I'm a homophobic Nazi because my kid would be out of that school so fast. This is insanity. You can't discuss Jesus but this is OK?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

YouTube - Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES

YouTube - Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES

Stupid is as stupid does. These people vote. I find myself thinking more and more that we need an IQ test to be able to vote.

Special report -

Special report -

Depleted Uranium! Thanks of a grateful nation.

The Lessons Of History - The Founding Fathers On Right To Bear Arms

The Lessons Of History - The Founding Fathers On Right To Bear Arms

Don't be a dumbass. Don't give up your guns. When they come for my guns they are going to get them. Bullets first.

WorldNetDaily: 'Smoking gun' tape indicts Hillary

WorldNetDaily: 'Smoking gun' tape indicts Hillary

I don't expect this to go anywhere. The Klinton's are made out of Teflon.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Presidential Candidate: U.S. In Danger of Dictatorship

Presidential Candidate: U.S. In Danger of Dictatorship

I don't put much faith in any political candidates or politicians. i have to say though that I think we are headed for tyranny. Every vote for a status quo candidate for president you are forging your own chains and the chains of your children.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Army Is Cracking Down on Deserters - New York Times

Army Is Cracking Down on Deserters - New York Times

I like the quote at the top of page two "we're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to get people to join". A lot of these guys are combat vets so they must know that the war is BS.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Airman injured in heat-beam test

Airman injured in heat-beam test

So much for non-lethal. They had these weapons on station in NY during the 2004 Repub. convention.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Elk Story - Maggie's Farm

Elk Story - Maggie's Farm

Two elk for the price of one.

Air Force Fighter Pilot and Instructor Comes Out for 9/11 Truth

Air Force Fighter Pilot and Instructor Comes Out for 9/11 Truth

But I thought all those involved in 9/11 truth were kooks and loons? More and more people who seriously look at the 9/11 evidence are coming to the conclusion that 9/11 was an inside job. The vast majority of the people who believe the government version of 9/11 are living life with blinders on.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Devvy Kidd -- Our "strong economy:" A powder keg waiting to blow

Devvy Kidd -- Our "strong economy:" A powder keg waiting to blow

It's probably a good idea to have some gold coin in YOUR POSSESSION. It's a better idea to have some silver coins. They are more divisible than gold. Gold will be good for buying big ticket items but you will need silver for smaller items. An even better investment is in the lead and steel market. Buy as many guns as you can afford and even more ammunition. I can foresee when a box of 12 gauge shells or .22's will be worth their weight in gold. Don't buy junk guns try to buy quality but remember even a junk gun is better than no gun.