Thursday, March 29, 2007

March 2007 - Spring Turkey Season

March 2007 - Spring Turkey Season

I've had the calls out now for about a month. Gobbling turkeys, spring weather, trees and flowers blooming this is my favorite time of year.

Home Of The Free - No LongerBrave

Home Of The Free - No LongerBrave

Life just keeps getting more and more depressing everyday.

Monday, March 26, 2007

9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality) - Google Video

9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality) - Google Video

Here is a little more evidence on 9/11. This is a long clip but it is full of info.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Bush Paves the Way for Martial Law

Bush Paves the Way for Martial Law

Bush (I voted for him) is probably as bad a president as Clinton was. Clinton screwed over America through his dealing with China and his aid to North Korea's nuke program. Bush has screwed over America through his domestic policies. The laws that are getting passed now may never be used by Bush. He may never declare martial law. But what about President Hitlery Klinton? I have no doubt that she would use these laws against patriots. I have no doubt she would hesitate to declare herself dictator and declare martial law during a national crisis. If 9/11 was not an inside job, I highly doubt it, then the terrorists are winning. We are losing our freedoms. We are becoming a police state.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Ron Paul 2008

Ron Paul 2008

Don't vote for the party vote for the man.

America The Beautiful?

America The Beautiful?

Wow! How far we have sunk. I don't know whether to scream or cry.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

YouTube - Blackwater: Shadow Army

YouTube - Blackwater: Shadow Army

Since when does the US need a mercenary army to fight our battles? Have we become the British empire during our revolution? I like the quote from the clip "Bush's Praetorian Guard". I would not hesitate to say that a good percentage of the terrorism in Iraq against our troops and the Iraqi people is carried out by Blackwater. That way the population is inflamed enough to keep the war going which in turn continues defense contractor profits coming in.

YouTube - The Ultimate Con 911 Documentary Trailer 1

YouTube - The Ultimate Con 911 Documentary Trailer 1

9/11 was an inside job. I'm not saying the planes were remotely controlled or that a missile hit the Pentagon. I'm saying the government at the very least knew about it and did nothing to stop it. At the very worst they helped plan and finance it. See my previous post about false flag operations. More and more people are seeing the light about 9/11. Wake up Uhmerica you are being sold a pack of lies.

Friday, March 16, 2007

False flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

False flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When researching 9/11 or OKC look hear to get an idea of what really took place.

Sympathy for Pelosi

Sympathy for Pelosi

Ha Ha Ha. Like I said the other day....Suckers. You guys voted for her.

SCIFI.COM | Battlestar Galactica

SCIFI.COM Battlestar Galactica

The best frackin' show on TV. This is how remakes of shows and movies should be done. The parallels to today's world are greatly done. If you are not watching you should be.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Record Non-typical Ohio Deer

Record Non-typical Ohio Deer

This is for all you hunters out there who like me spend enormous sums of money trying to kill a monster. This buck was killed by an Amish kid using a crossbow.

WorldNetDaily: District gags 14-year-olds after 'gay' indoctrination

WorldNetDaily: District gags 14-year-olds after 'gay' indoctrination

And yet another example.

WorldNetDaily: Principal bans parents from pro-'gay' seminar

WorldNetDaily: Principal bans parents from pro-'gay' seminar

This is one more reason to get your kids out of public schools. When school administrators can force any view contrary to parents wishes on children we are in trouble.

Hillary Says No Troop Pullout If Elected

Hillary Says No Troop Pullout If Elected

Hey you people that voted in the Democrats to end the war....Suckers. We don't invest this much blood and treasure in a country to turn around and leave. We will be there FOREVER. The Korean War ended 50 yrs ago. We are still in Korea. WWII ended 60 yrs ago. We are still in Germany and Japan and Okinawa. We will be in Iraq longer than that. As long as oil is an important resource we will be there. Bush has already said this war will last 100 yrs.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

WorldNetDaily: Ron Paul announces White House bid

WorldNetDaily: Ron Paul announces White House bid

Maybe there is a chance to save what freedoms we have left.

Taxing Us for Breathing

Taxing Us for Breathing

If I hadn't read it with my own eyes I would not have believed it.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The private war of women soldiers | Salon News

The private war of women soldiers Salon News

If this is at all true then we should be rethinking the roles of women in the military.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Some states put untrained cops on duty

Some states put untrained cops on duty


700WLW Cincinnati, Reds radio, Bengals radio, Cincinnati News, Cincinnati Weather, Traffic

I know, I know they are coming hear to work hard and achieve the American dream.

WorldNetDaily: Security agency lobbies for 'open' borders

WorldNetDaily: Security agency lobbies for 'open' borders

Another joke. They scare us half to death with supposed terror threats and then leave the bordes wide open. Homeland Security is a joke.

Bank's offer to illegal immigrants isn't new

Bank's offer to illegal immigrants isn't new

What did Gordon Gekko say: "Greed is good". That's all this is about to the banks more money. I can't blame them that's their job. To make money for their shareholders. It would be nice if they could find ways of making money and not aiding in the destruction of our country. We are creating an underclass in this society. A slave labor class.

Monday, March 5, 2007

YouTube - Mexican flying humanoid

YouTube - Mexican flying humanoid

I don't speak Spanish but what the hell s this thing?

2007 German horror tale - Editorials/Op-Ed - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

2007 German horror tale - Editorials/Op-Ed - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

So much for the illusion of freedom. The purpose behind making home schooling illegal is very simple. Home schoolers don't neccesarily teach the party line. Their children are not being indoctrinated at a government education center. There are peopel here in this country who would love to make home schooling illegal. » Bigfoot Seen in San Francisco? » Bigfoot Seen in San Francisco?

I think it might have been Rosie O'Donnell out on a bender and I don't think it was a suit.

breitbart's profile

breitbart's profile

Southern Fried Hillary.

You mean to tell me Hillary is a total fraud? Who'd a thunk it. I'm suprised she didn't give this speach in a pair of bib overalls, T-Shirt, no shoes and straw hat.

'It Is Just Not Walter Reed' -

'It Is Just Not Walter Reed' -

The Thanks Of A Grateful Nation?

These are not new stories. Vietnam vets can especially tell you horrific stories of their experiences in the VA system. Anyone wounded in the service of their country should be treated a whole lot better.

WorldNetDaily: The good news about nuclear destruction

WorldNetDaily: The good news about nuclear destruction

The Good News About Nuclear Destruction?

You have got to be kidding me! This story is propaganda. It is trying to prepare the peoples minds to be more willing to accept a nuclear showdown with Iran or N. Korea. Now I agree with the article in that we should all have a survival mindset. What I don't agree with is that we should not be afraid of nuclear conflict because we would survive. Any nuclear exchange would of course bring about martial law and the "temporary" revocation of civil liberties. In short the police state.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

China expands sub fleet - Nation/Politics - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

China expands sub fleet - Nation/Politics - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

Thank you Bill Klinton for selling them the missile technology that they can use to strike the US. Thank you dumb ass voters for electing that traitor. Don't say you weren't warned.

Psychics 'hired to find Bin Laden' | the Daily Mail

Psychics 'hired to find Bin Laden' the Daily Mail

The first place they should look is in Crawford, TX.

Expert in Russian poisoning case is shot - Crime & Punishment -

Expert in Russian poisoning case is shot - Crime & Punishment -

The Soviet Uni..oops I mean Russian Federation sure mean business.

Talking Toilets To Tell Us Right From Wrong

Talking Toilets To Tell Us Right From Wrong

My only question is how do they test the urine of women with these devices? I think someone ought to file a sex discrimination lawsuit. Men aren't the only ones to drink and drive.

Call to reopen Oklahoma bomb case

Call to reopen Oklahoma bomb case

Wow! Of course anyone who believes McVeigh acted alone does not have a tight grasp of reality. Numerous witnesses saw John Doe #2 and saw McVeigh with middle eastern men before the blast. Then there are the witnesses who say the AFT had advanced warning not to show up to work that day and the witnesses who saw ATF agents dressed in bomb disposal gear hours before the blast. There are the seismograph records that show two detonations and the retired general who is an expert on this type of attack who says a truck bomb could not have done the damage inflicted on the building.

Something is rotten in Denmark indeed!